Phone number/WhatsApp : 07352 317301

We strongly recommend physiotherapy following your procedure to support recovery and enhance mobility.
If you are referred via physiotherapy, we can liaise with them to provide information detailing your treatment ,so they can provide appropriate therapy. Alternatively, we can refer you to one of our (or your) local physiotherapists
Physiotherapy rehabilitation referral
Great joint health is closely linked to factors such as a healthy BMI , activity levels, and diet.
A lifestyle consultation with one of our GPs, including a health questionnaire, blood tests and further investigations, if required can be arranged.
This service is also available to those, who aren’t having a joint injection
Lifestyle consultation and Health assessment
Clear aftercare instructions will be given to each patient following the injection treatments.
We will follow up you with at 6 weeks post procedure online or phone call to monitor progress and provide additional support.